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The latest issue of Probate News includes an invitation to respond to our 2023 probate fees consultation, reminders of key guidance and resources such as a list of common inadvertent breaches of the Probate Regulations and an article that highlights the benefits of carrying out client satisfaction surveys.

2023 probate fees consultation

As an approved regulator and licensing authority for probate services, our activities are guided by and support the Legal Services Board's strategic themes: fairer outcomes, stronger confidence and better services, to strengthen trust and protect the public by enabling, evaluating and enforcing the highest standards in the profession.

Recognising inflationary pressures and to continue to deliver our ongoing programme of activity to fulfil these objectives and those of the Legal Services Act, we propose to increase probate registration fees by 7% for 2023.

We welcome your views on this proposed change to probate registration fees for 2023. Please review our 2023 budget, business plan and the proposed 2023 fee scale which sets out the impact of the change and explains how we set our fees.

This consultation is open from 22 July to 16 September 2022.

Guidance for probate firms on dealing with vulnerable clients

Consumers of legal services are often dealing with life-changing events. Some may also feel vulnerable and recognise they have limited knowledge. In order to ensure you act in a way that is compatible with the objectives of the Legal Services Act, authorised individuals and accredited firms have the responsibility to review and, where necessary, adjust their practices to ensure that vulnerable clients are able to use their legal services effectively.

A reminder to our firms to refresh your knowledge of this important guidance which includes key questions you should ask yourselves to help ensure legal services are available to all.

How satisfied are your clients?

Finding out what clients think about your firm helps you improve your services, address any problems early on, and build better relationships. One way of doing this is to carry out regular client satisfaction surveys. We look at why client feedback is so important and provide some tips on how to gather useful data.    

Probate common pitfalls

To help your firm avoid inadvertent breaches of the Probate Regulations, we have highlighted some of the common breaches we see. These issues can lead to potential regulatory action and interruption of probate services so it’s important that you take note to ensure your firm avoids these common pitfalls.

ICAEW announces new CPD policy from November 2023

From November next year, ICAEW will be introducing a new policy that will give members greater clarity when it comes to Continuing Professional Development.

A disciplinary framework fit for the future

ICAEW’s disciplinary framework is being simplified and updated to make it more efficient and accessible. Ahead of the changes, Duncan Wiggetts, ICAEW’s Chief Officer for Professional Standards, explains the rationale behind the reforms and discusses how the revamped framework better meets the needs of a modern regulator.

Upholding the highest standards

Read more about ICAEW’s regulatory and conduct activity in our 2021/2022 report.

ICAEW’s regulatory and conduct roles are governed with robust oversight by the ICAEW Regulatory Board and oversight bodies including the Financial Reporting Council and the Legal Services Board

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